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Modulare Möbel, Zeitgenössisches

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Art Modulare Möbel
Stil Zeitgenössisches
Hauptmaterialart Andere Werkstoffe
Hauptmaterial -PET


Volumen 3 - 10 Stücke Spot - 1 Mal Konvertieren
Crestline Workstation is a modular, minimalist office desk built with the highest quality materials. It also includes a built-in cable management system that helps keep the workspace neat and organized. What sets the Crestline Workstation apart is its versatility. The desk is designed to be modular, allowing it to be customized with various add-ons and accessories to meet the needs of individual users. This means the workstation can be easily adapted to suit different tasks.

Crestline Workstation comes in configurations of 2-person, 4-person, and 6-person, and can be extended side by side with as many units as desired. Its distinguishing feature lies in variety of add-on options available. You can choose from options such as a central bookshelf, a central flowerpot, a central separator, a side bookshelf, a side separator, a side table, a side high table, and many more. Creating the desired variation allows you to achieve the most suitable work environment tailored to your preferences.

Preise & Konditionen

Preis Auf Anfrage EUR pro Stücke Konvertieren
Verkauft bevorzugt in allen Ländern


Gold Mitglied
16.   Jahr

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