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Gebraucht Drozdowski 2009 Trennbandsäge Zu Verkaufen Polen

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Kategorietyp Einschnitt- und Nachschnittmaschinen
Kategorie Trennbandsäge
Marke Drozdowski


Zustand des Produkts Gebraucht
Herstellungsdatum 2009
Volumen 1 Konvertieren
Drozdowski TT 700 Band Saw

- Polish production

- log thickness max 800 mm

- clearance between rollers 725 mm

- log length max 5200 mm

- main engine power 11 kW
- electric height adjustment
- height adjustment engine power 1.1 kW
- manual head movement
- cutting band length 4000 mm

- cutting band width 32-35 mm

- band cooling
- nozzle diameter 120 mm
- total track length 6500 mm

Transport dimensions

400x240x200 cm

weight 850 kg

The Drozdowski TT-700 horizontal band saw is an advanced tool designed for longitudinal cutting of logs, ideal for the industry wood. Thanks to the possibility of easy adjustment of the thickness of cuts, the operator has full control over the processing process, which allows precise adjustment of the product dimensions to the needs. Additionally, the machine allows for immediate review of the quality of the raw material after each cut, which significantly increases production efficiency and allows for ongoing assessment of the quality of the material.

The TT-700 is also distinguished by its low operating costs and simplicity of installation, which makes it an attractive choice for plants of various sizes. Low energy consumption and easy operation are in line with the latest technological standards set for modern machine tools in the wood industry, while ensuring high efficiency and reliability in everyday work.

Preise & Konditionen

Preis Auf Anfrage EUR Konvertieren
Verkauft bevorzugt in allen Ländern


Gold Mitglied
13.   Jahr

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