Produkt |
Sperrholzart | Structural Plywood |
Holzart Mittellage | Asiatisches Laubholz |
Arten - Mittellage | Malaysia MLH |
Spezifikationen |
Volumen | 40 - 2000 m3 pro Monat Konvertieren |
Dicke | 8.5 mm Konvertieren |
Breite | 910 mm Konvertieren |
Länge | 1820 mm Konvertieren |
Kleber | WBP (Phenolic glue) |
Klasse | BC grade |
Zertifizierung | PEFC, FSC |
Beschreibung |
Bonding Quality: Type Special (TS)
Used in constantly wet conditions or occasionally moist conditions, usually, phenolic glue. To guarantee the supper inherent strength and bonding quality, JAS has stricter requirements in the grade of core veneers and the quality of core-joint in the production of structural plywood; Applications: load-bearing structural purposes, load-bearing sheathing, and roofing, architectural components in building & construction. |
Preise & Konditionen |
Preis | 420-450 USD pro m3 Konvertieren |
Incoterm | CFR - Kosten und Fracht (C&F, CNF) Land Japan |
Letzter Auslieferungstermin | Lagernd |
Verkauft bevorzugt in | allen Ländern |
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