Sehen Sie alles - Holzbriketts Angebote


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Kategorie Pellets, Bricketts und Kohle
Art Holzbriketts
Herkunft Vietnam


Volumen 1 40'Container Spot - 1 Mal Konvertieren
Holzart -
Holzart -
- Calorific value: ~ 4400 Kcal/kg (Sawdust)
- Ash: < 0.5%
- Diameter: 8 mm
- Moisture: <10%

We have big production capacities located in an ecologically clean region in Vietnam. Wood briquettes are sealed in polyethylene bags and completely protected from water and moisture

About us
SSR was founded in 2009, based on the multinational development of production of import and export trade. Realizing the potential in export-import markets of domestic and foreign wood, SSR has expanded the business market and diversed its products to meet customer needs worldwide. Currently, SSR has been building a network of distributor in more than 18 countries worldwide and is constantly expanding. Our products: wood finger jointed laminated board, solid wood panels, tabletop, plywood, MDF, finished furniture according to customer's request, etc.,

Contact information
Address: Ground Floor, The Manor Officetel, No.89, Nguyen Huu Canh Street, Ward 22, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Tina (Ms)

Preise & Konditionen

Preis Auf Anfrage USD pro m3 Konvertieren
Verkauft bevorzugt in allen Ländern


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