Produkt |
Kategorie | Hackschnitzel, Rinde, Sägemehl, Späne |
Art | Waldhackschnitzel |
Spezifikationen |
Volumen | 1000 - 15000 m3 pro Monat Konvertieren |
Holzart | Europäisches Nadelholz |
Holzart | Tanne (Weiß-), Fichte (Picea abies) |
Beschreibung |
raw day.
Our company offers for sale: 1. fuel chips; 2. biogenic soil (sawdust, crushed wood); 3. Euro pallets; 4. torch The production sites are located in the Gomel region of the Republic of Belarus with the possibility of shipment by rail (FCA Gomel, station code 150000) and by road. We sell products of our own production on the domestic market, as well as export them to neighboring countries. For purchase inquiries, please contact us - Translated with google |
Preise & Konditionen |
Preis | Preis anfragen |
Verkauft bevorzugt in | allen Ländern |
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