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Neu Eco Air Dryer Trocknen, Dämpfen Und Imprägnieren Von Massivholz - Sonstige Zu Verkaufen Polen

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Kategorietyp Trocknen, Dämpfen und Imprägnieren von Massivholz
Kategorie Hopper Dryer
Marke Eco air dryer


Zustand des Produkts Neu
Herstellungsdatum 2023
Volumen 1 - 3+ Konvertieren
Description of the buffer dryer operation: Hot air flows through the bed of dried material in a countercurrent system
enables the removal of vapors with a humidity close to 100%.
This type of drying significantly reduces the consumption of electricity (fans) and heat (used drying air heats up and dries up the fresh material).
We do not dry with large amounts of air, ***** ventilating the dried material, but we use the ability to absorb moisture by the air in 100%.
The dryer does not require additional safeguards, because the drying temperature is below the permissible operating temperature for devices in contact with the wood material - dry.
Capacity - (***** kg / h of dry material,
Installed power - 32 kW,
Execution: Housing laser cut, bent, twisted - material black galvanized steel,
Note - housing elements easy to replace when worn,
Diffuser - black steel, thickness 8 mm, laser cut, bent, welded, sandblasted, dry painted

- Translated with google

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