Produkt |
Holztyp | Massivholz |
Massivholztyp | Südamerikanisches Laubholz |
Holzart | Teak |
Art | Belag (4 abgestumpfte Kanten) |
Spezifikationen |
Volumen | 900 - 1500 m2 (sqm) pro Monat Konvertieren |
Breite | 90; 120 mm Konvertieren |
Länge | 900 - 2200 mm Konvertieren |
Dicke | 20 mm Konvertieren |
Beschreibung |
Teak is one of the most resistant woods in the world along with IPE, Ebony, Boxwood and Guaiac. Its importation into Europe from the Far East and subsequently from Africa began in the nineteenth century, just when its exceptional qualities were discovered for use in the naval industry and in outdoor flooring. OUR REFORESTATION TEAK which grows mainly in the ideal climate and fertile soil of the Brazilian Mato Grosso is a completely environmentally friendly wood which, thanks to guided cultivation and cloning, is now available regularly, in quantity and quality! We remain at your disposal, |
Preise & Konditionen |
Preis | Auf Anfrage USD pro m2 (sqm) Konvertieren |
Incoterm | FOB - frei an Bord Land Brasilien |
Verkauft bevorzugt in | allen Ländern |
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