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Kunst & Handwerk/Auftrag

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Art Tableware
Stil Kunst & Handwerk/Auftrag
Hauptmaterialart Europäisches Laubholz
Hauptmaterial Bog Oak


Volumen 1 - 100 Stücke Spot - 1 Mal Konvertieren
Nachbearbeitung Royal, Antique look
Farbe Naturholz
Zertifizierung Age Certicate
Standard oder Norm Bespoke
Antique Sushi Boards from the times when rice was introduced in Japan. 2300 years Old.
The SUSHI BOARD is created from BOG OAK - material fished out from the bottom of the river by our company.
The wood is 2300 years old. Since rice began to be grown on a large scale in Japan around this time,
we decided to make Sushi Boards from it.

The identity of our wood is examined by professors at universities. Each submitted piece is tested with the use of the method of radiocarbon dating or dendrochronology, specifying the age of wood with the accuracy of 50 or even 1 year.

About Bog Oak:
Centuries ago, as a result of a rise in the sea levels and change of weather conditions, great floods and changes of river directions occurred. Fallen trees fell to river beds and were covered by river mud. They lay there for hundreds or thousands of years, not only under water, but even deeper, under the river bed. With no access to oxygen and light, through fossilization process, they slowly developed unique resistance and aesthetic values.

Wood from the water has dense rings, it is free of resins and saturated with minerals which increase its hardness and durability. Little processing is required to obtain a “diamond”. Experts of the matter call it the rarest, unique, one of the most valuable wood types. No, it is not for everyone. It is for those who look for a material far from the average. For those who can perceive and bring out its artistic value.

We can provide other products from BOG OAK at your needs. You're welcome.

Preise & Konditionen

Preis Auf Anfrage
Incoterm EXW - ab Werk (des Anbieters) Land Polen
Letzter Auslieferungstermin Auf Bestellung in weniger als 30 Tagen verfügbar
Verkauft bevorzugt in allen Ländern


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