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Sibirische Lärche, FSC, Belag (4 Abgestumpfte Kanten)

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Holztyp Massivholz
Massivholztyp Europäisches Nadelholz
Holzart Sibirische Lärche
Hauptmerkmal FSC
Herkunft Tschechische Republik
Region Prague
Art Belag (4 abgestumpfte Kanten)


Volumen 1 - 5000 m2 (sqm) pro Monat Konvertieren
Breite 120 mm Konvertieren
Länge 2700-6000 mm Konvertieren
Dicke 28 mm  Konvertieren
Qualität AB
Zertifizierung FSC
Siberian Larch Decking is cost-effective and worthwhile. It is one of the heaviest softwood. It has natural properties. Siberian larch decking is quite durable and sturdy. It has yellowish to reddish shades. Well situated for exterior decking, larch wood deck has strong fungi resistance properties. Larch wood decking is one of the demanded decking wood providing beautiful texture and long-lasting shine. It has high density which makes it perfectly suited for external decking. Larch wood decking is also favourable as it’s not vulnerable to scrapes, scratches or knocks. Siberian larch decking price is also competitive. If using Siberian larch wood for decking, it’s going to be worthwhile, and there are many reasons to support this idea.

1. Siberian Larch is durable.

2. It consists of resin repels waters.

3. It’s naturally water and fungus resistant.

4. It requires low maintenance.

5. In a colder climate, due to slower growth rate larch wood is harder.

There are several more reasons which indicate Siberian larch decking price is quite affordable and rewarding. Siberian Larch is significant taiga is Siberian Larch, grown in the most natural coniferous forest. Its Latin name is deciduous.

Siberian Larch is originated in West Siberian Lowlands, the southern part of central Siberian Mountains that reaches to Europe. Further, it has grown till the southeastern border of the White Sea and Lake Onega.

It then extends through Asia till Baikal Lake and southeast till Mongolia. These species then further grows from south Asian borders of the former USSR till the northern edge of the tundra. These species go upward to the upper border of the forest from west Siberian lowland. Siberian Larch also extends to northeast Europe. It also covers approx 264 mils. Ha. In the Russian federation that is around 38% of their forest land.

It grows up to 40m height and tentatively for 400 years of age. It can also reach 60 m and 800 years. Siberian Larch also grows from the sea to a level above 2250 m and established in low lands till edges of the alpine mountain forest. It occurs highest in Altai till 3700m above sea – level. There are 11 species of Larch that have been recognized coming from colder parts of the northern hemisphere. Specifically bifurcating, two are from Europe, one grows in Czech.

Larch wood can face rough climate yet needs more soil nutrition and moisture. It is common in Central Europe – Alps. Taking further it is common in the Carpathians, south – Polish Mountains were surrounding Jesenik. Majorly it is divided into four groups listed as Alpine Larch, Carpathian Larch, Polish Larch, Slezian Larch. It can create 3.9% Czech.

It is proven that Larch is water durable, as it was used in water-based structures, pipes, etc. It is used in shingle and considered valuable for construction and used commonly in furniture wood. For the surface treatment of Siberian larch Decking, OSMO decking oil is recommended. Its exterior is average durable and has an aesthetically pleasing look. The accessories which are required before installing Larch decking are- Screws, Brushes, Adjustable Feet. Due to its properties like excellent dimensional stability, the Larch wood deck is an excellent material for timber decking.

Preise & Konditionen

Preis Auf Anfrage EUR pro m2 (sqm) Konvertieren
Incoterm EXW - ab Werk (des Anbieters) Land Tschechische Republik Region Prague
Letzter Auslieferungstermin Auf Bestellung in weniger als 30 Tagen verfügbar
Verkauft bevorzugt in allen Ländern


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