Produkt |
Kategorietyp | Einschnitt- und Nachschnittmaschinen |
Kategorie | Bandsägen |
Marke | Barton |
Spezifikationen |
Zustand des Produkts | Neu |
Herstellungsdatum | 2020 |
Volumen | 1 Konvertieren |
Beschreibung |
- Heavy-duty steel frame, bearings in cast iron, axles in high resistance steel and flywheels in FG-25 cast iron at dynamic balancing.
- Push blade guide in high abrasion resistant material, hydraulically operated to do the up and down movements, which allows a greater stability of the blade and higher cuttings speeds. - Automatic, stable and hydraulic operated blade tension device. - Centralized lubrication of blade and flywheel face by automatic pump. - Single or double (optional) cutting system. - The machine is completely enclosed so as to avoid access to dangerous parts. Stops automatically in case of covers opening. - Easy aperture of covers to blade change. - Hydraulic and electric pack incorporated. - Automatic disc brake in the lower flywheel (stops in maximum 10 seconds). - All the operations can be remote controlled from the log carriage control switchboard. - Safety requirements in compliance with EC regulations. |
Preise & Konditionen |
Preis | Auf Anfrage EUR Konvertieren |
Verkauft bevorzugt in | allen Ländern |
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