Produkt |
Art | Fachwerkhaus |
Herkunft | Rumänien |
Massivholztyp | Europäisches Nadelholz |
Holzart | Fichte (Picea abies) |
Spezifikationen |
Volumen | 50 m3 Spot - 1 Mal Konvertieren |
Beschreibung |
Wooden houses are built with a BLOCKHAUS kneeling technology. The thickness of the walls varies depending on the construction (42, 60, 70, 90, 120 mm). The houses are equipped with wainscots and wooden floors, laminated woodwork with glass and hardware, shutters on request. We have over 100 models that have been successful both in the country and abroad (Spain, France, Italy, Turkey). We also run houses after the client's project. - Translated with google
Preise & Konditionen |
Preis | Auf Anfrage EUR Konvertieren |
Verkauft bevorzugt in | allen Ländern |
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