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. – 12. Juni 2024
US LBM to acquire Wisconsin truss manufacturer
CIB 2024: Tropical and temperate hardwood suppliers exchange views on EUDR
Suspicions traders seeking alternative routes for teak exports
Stimson Lumber to build new sawmill line i ... [Mehr......]
11. – 15. September 2023
Rising UK imports of tropical sawnwood from the EU this year
US hardwood exports to India on the rise
Vietnamese wood pellet exports down 12% in H1/2023
Metsä Wood and SRV sign agreement for Kerto LVL mill construct ... [Mehr......]
;D Lumber Co. closes after 130 years
Central/West Africa: Demand in Asian markets continues to improve
Ence begins annual technical shutdown at Navia biofactory in Spain
Setra to double CLT production capacity at Långshyttan plant
Vietnam to auction ... [Mehr......]
. Many of these foreign companies directly or indirectly participate in local timber auctions, often driving up prices and speculating on timber to process it in their home countries ... [Mehr......]
It is a long time ago, when the average price was 457 Euro/cbm (1998) for beech roundwood offered at the high value timber auction in Ettenheim/Germany ... [Mehr......]
It is a long time ago, when the average price was 457 Euro/cbm (1998) for beech roundwood offered at the high value timber auction in Ettenheim/Germany ... [Mehr......]
. Die Prüfbefugnisse des BAFA gelten demnach im Übrigen unbenommen.
Das BAFA werde in Kürze einen Pre-View seiner digitalen Eingabemaske veröffentlichen, die Grundlage für die unternehmerische Berichtspflicht sei, erklärt uns der BGA weiter unter Bezugna ... [Mehr......]
High value timber oak is lively asked. The 1st Pfälzerwald auction, one of Germanys important oak auctions, showed results only slightly below the year before ... [Mehr......]
High value timber oak is lively asked. The 1st Pfälzerwald auction, one of Germanys important oak auctions, showed results only slightly below the year before ... [Mehr......]
Canadian Softwood Producers
During the ISC in Taormina Mr. Provost from Boscus Group Canada showed the different points of view on production, consumption and import-export situation ... [Mehr......]
Finnland: Supercell-Büros, Helsinki, Anttinen Oiva Arkkitehdit Oy, SRV Rakennus Oy
Copyright : DR
Wood City ist das Ergebnis der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Hauptauftragnehmer SRV ... [Mehr......]
14.-18. Oktober 2019
Myanmar: Multi Stakeholder Group still active but no apparent engagement with EU
Mixed feelings in the European parquet markets
STTC to report on EU importers views of tro ... [Mehr......]
’s plywood exports in 2018
Bergs Timber acquires wood pellet plant in Sweden
Gabon's timber industry reeling after corruption scandal
Dutch and Belgian importers’ views on FLEGT
Metsä Fibre to launch preparatory work at Kemi mill in Finland ... [Mehr......]
.1% in Jan.-Nov. 2018
Auction: Tropical hardwood Padouk, Iroko, Sipo, Afrormosia under the virtual hammer!
Downward trend in EU imports of wood furniture from China and the tropics in 2018
Japan's housing starts grow slightly in December 2018
... [Mehr......]
. Bei diesem Preisniveau können nicht einmal mehr die Kostenführer ihre Kapitalkosten decken. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt der neue Point of View „What pain relief can be administered to declining paper markets ... [Mehr......]
. Im Anschluss läutete eine Hafenrundfahrt mit den in Hamburg typischen Barkassen die Abendveranstaltung ein: Geankert wurde an der Eventlocation „View Eleven“ direkt gegenüber dem Containerhafen ... [Mehr......]
Maria Kiefer-Polz, President of the Hardwood section, presented the point of view of European hardwood producers. The EOS Hardwood members expect a production decline of at least 3% this year following a double-digit increase in 2021 ... [Mehr......]
Mit dem gestern bekannt gegebenen Abschluss der Übernahme von knapp 261.000 Hektar von LongView Timbers, kontrolliert der amerikanische Holzmulti Weyerhaeuser nun über 20,5 Mio acres (knapp 83 ... [Mehr......]
Die Kombination von nachhaltigem Forstmanagement und neuen Lösungen für den Werkstoff Holz verbessert den Klimaschutz. Das ist eine Kernaussage im „Pöyry Point of View“, den das internationale Consulting- und Engineering-Unternehm ... [Mehr......]
.6% in November
Conifex Timber to re-start former Georgia Pacific sawmill in Arkansas
France: Auction sale of particleboard company following bankruptcy
Canadian lumber production up 1.7% in November
China: Timber companies targeted in crack-down on ... [Mehr......]
.7 million in 4Q/2016
$200 million wood pellet plant to be build in Fiji
Rising US share of UK hardwood imports continued last year
Positive outlook for the US residential remodeling market
France: Auction sale of Homatherm f ... [Mehr......]
Demand for New Zealand's logs expected to keep high
Gradual recovery in EU construction forecast to continue
Save the date: CIFF Shanghai 2017; 11-14 September, 2017
Belgium: Machinery online auction on Jun 29th, 2017 fo ... [Mehr......]
boost furniture and handicraft sectors
Sveza launched a new product for the engineered flooring producers
Södra divests UAB SIWood to Soernsen Group
France: Forest equipment auction on June 28, 2017
... [Mehr......]
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Die GPS-Daten können mit Hilfe von Google Maps, OpenStreetView oder der Top50 –CD auf Karten ... [Mehr......]